6 Jan to 10 Jan 2020
Monday, Jan 6
Tuesday, Jan 7
Wednesday, Jan 8
- Drama Club
- No PAC meeting
Thursday, Jan 9
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Flute
- Van-Chess after school
Friday, Jan 10
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Earth Kids club
- Pizza lunch
- Mad Science after school
Looking Ahead:
Jan 13: Milton Randall drumming workshop
Jan 16: Parent education lecture: Anxiety in Children and Youth, 6-8pm
Jan 17: Lockdown drill, 11:45am
Jan 20: Fruit & Vegetable snack
Jan 21: Vision screening, KG
Jan 23: Hearing test, KG
Jan 23: Parent education lecture: Building Bridges with your Teen, 7-9pm
Jan 30: Parent education lecture: Parenting in a Digital World, 6:30-8pm
Jan 31: Report cards come home
Jan 31: Assembly by Gr4/5, 2pm
View the school calendar online
We need your commitment so that we know days are covered by volunteers. We welcome guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles to help. Please click this link to sign up.
Hot Dog & Pizza lunch - volunteers needed on Jan 10, 17, 31
Fruit & Vegetable snack - volunteers needed on Jan 20
Subway - volunteers needed on Jan 27
PAC meeting sign - Looking for a volunteer to hang the sign up the first Wed of every month there is a PAC meeting (an ideal job for a JKC family who arrives by 8:15 am)
Happy New Year, Southlands Families!
We hope that you have had a relaxing and restorative two weeks. Please know that the staff and I will work together to resume the school year with a strong ethic of care and sense of belonging for our community.
This month, we will be sending home the first of two formal written reports for each student. The contents of the report should not be a surprise to anyone. We hope that you have had on-going contact with your child’s teacher and are aware of their progress. Thank you for your support and trust. While we are committed to each child’s success at their particular grade level, we also have the long-term goal of seeing each individual cross the graduation stage with
dignity, purpose and options.
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. All the best for 2020 and the new decade before us!
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)
Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope you and your family have had a wonderful break and are refreshed and ready to head into this new term. It was such a pleasure to see so many families at our Winter Social in December. Our social events at Southlands always remind me what an exceptional community we have at our school, and I especially love seeing all the different ways
in which families are able to contribute to life at Southlands. Whether it is organising an event, donating time, funds or goods, or attending events to support our children and teachers, there are so many ways in which each of you makes our community strong and vibrant. Not only does this enrich our children's experience at school, it also models such important things like participation, service and citizenship.
Thank you all for being part of this very special place.
See you at school!
Nina Monahan
This is just a heads up for school communities on upcoming changes to fines for stopping violations around schools.
Vancouver City Council has passed changes to the fees around stopping violations which will double the fines for violations which occur in the vicinity of schools, 8am-5pm on school days. This was passed Dec. 3 2019 and will come into effect Jan 1, 2020. The Council report notes that “to support the City’s Moving Towards Zero goals, (City) staff have identified a number of safety related parking offences, in particular those that impact vulnerable road users, where fine amounts should be increased to further discourage unsafe parking behaviour.”
Fundraise while shopping!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Shopping online through the FlipGive Southlands team is a fundraising method that allows you to shop and have a commission go to the PAC. There are no extra costs to you.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!
Download the FlipGive App or visit www.flipgive.com/join to sign up. You will be asked to enter the Southlands Elementary team code FRJ3Z5.
How does it work? Stores on FlipGive pay a commission whenever you shop with them via their app or website, and FlipGive shares that commission with the team you are registered for. You can choose to make your shopping purchase private and no details of your shopping are shared with the PAC.
Happy Shopping!
Severe Weather
All schools in the Vancouver School District will remain open if at all possible during severe weather events. Any district-wide closure will be decided by 7:00 am at the latest. Details of district-wide or individual school closures will be announced through the media and the district website front page.
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!
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