Saturday, April 30, 2022

Term 3, Week 5: 25 Apr To 29 Apr 2022


PAC Newsletter

25 Apr to 29 Apr 2022

Monday, 25 Apr
  • Pro D-Day. No School.
Tuesday, 26 Apr
Wednesday, 27 Apr
  • Student conference, 2pm dismissal
Thursday, 28 Apr Friday, 29 Apr
Looking ahead
May 4th: Star Wars Day
May 9th: VCH Immunization Clinic #2 (Grades K, 1, 6 & 7)
May 23rd: Victoria Day – No school
View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment (english or simplified chinese) before sending your child(ren) to school. Or use the K-12 Health Check website.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 or use the new doorbell beside the door so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email or phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. If you phone, you will be required to use a school code. The Southlands school code is 79#.

Hello Southlands families,

Next week we are having conferences and there will be 2 pm dismissal on Wednesday and Thursday. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have not received an invitation. Thank you to everyone who shopped at our virtual book fair. We earned $100 for the library. We hope you read the Southlands school newsletter that was sent home by email on Friday. There are a couple of Action Items to be aware of: please let us know if your child will not be returning to Southlands in September, and we are looking for a couple of teenagers of young people to water the garden over the summer. There will be a cash honorarium for this volunteering. Lastly, please let us know if you have not yet received your rapid Covid test. We can send them home with intermediate student with permission. Thank you! 

Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram

We are coming up to our last few general meetings of the year.

Our meeting next week is particularly relevant given the impacts our children have felt from the climate events of the last 12 months.

The meeting will be informative, timely, and inspiring for parents interested in how education and nature interact and why climate-sensitive education is beneficial and necessary.  We hope that you will join and encourage other members of your parent community to register for the event as well.   You can use the attached graphic for promotion.

Register here for next Thursday, April 28th, at 7 PM Short General Meeting & Sustainability Event:

Advocating for Climate-Sensitive Education for the Next Generation
We wanted to let you know about some free upcoming events for parents and caregivers in recognition of Child and Youth Mental Health Day. All events are free, and virtual but do require registration. Please share with your school families. 

May Caregiver Events
1. It's Never Too Late: Healing Parent-Child Relational Stress Using Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)
With Dr. Adele Lafrance, clinical psychologist, author, scientist, and developer of emotion-focused treatment modalities, including emotion focused family therapy.

May 2nd from 6:30-7:30pm - Click here to register. 

2. Building Connection With Our Kids When It Feels Impossible

With Diane Evans, FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker, BC Children's Hospitals Kelty Mental Resource Centre. Tammy Music, FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Stabilization Unit (CAPSU) and Short Term Assessment Response Treatment (START) Fraser North.

May 3rd from 12:00-1:00pm - Click here to register.

3. The ABCs of Substance Use and Connecting With Our Kids

With Cindy Andrews, Senior associate on the team leading The ABCs of Youth Substance Use, a BC government funded project focused on supporting schools, Angela Lawrence, educator and a registered clinical counsellor with SD73, Art Steinmann, Senior Associate, Youth Substance USe Health Promotion, Bunyaad Public Affairs.

May 4th from 6:00-8:00pm - Click here to register.

One on One Support
We support families one on one.   Please feel free to reach out to us at if  you have a child who is struggling with their mental health and are looking for emotional support, resources or have questions about how to navigate services and /or information. More information about parent peer support is available here

Hot Lunch for May and June starts to register now. If you want to continue with Hot Lunch, please remember to make a new order.    
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $391 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Co-Chairs: Nina Monahan, Renee Hui
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carmen Chou, Linda Yang
DPAC Rep: Scott Kerwin

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

Term 3, Week 4: 18 Apr To 22 Apr 2022


PAC Newsletter

18 Apr to 22 Apr 2022

Monday, 18 Apr
  • Easter Monday, School Closed
Tuesday, 19 Apr
Wednesday, 20 Apr Thursday, 21 Apr
Friday, 22 Apr
Looking ahead
25 Apr: Pro D-Day
27 Apr: Student conference, 2pm dismissal
28 Apr: Student conference, 2pm dismissal
28 AprDPAC Meeting — Advocating for Climate-Sensitive Education

View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment (english or simplified chinese) before sending your child(ren) to school. Or use the K-12 Health Check website.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 or use the new doorbell beside the door so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email or phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. If you phone, you will be required to use a school code. The Southlands school code is 79#.

Hello Southlands families,

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, April 19th, rested up from Easter weekend. This week, we look forward to celebrating Earth Day on Wednesday. What is one thing that your family can to do protect Mother Earth? When I was growing up, we were taught about the three R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Now there are ten:
Respect, Responsibility, Refuse, Reduce, Rethink, Repurpose, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, and Restore.
We love seeing students using re-usable containers, cutlery, water bottles and our new classroom compost bins. Way to go, Southlands Sockeyes!
Thank you to all of the parents who came out last week to tend the front garden. We appreciate you making this a greener and prettier place.
Thank you and please, as always, get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. 

Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram

Join us for this month's PAC meeting. Every parent and caregiver with a child at Southlands is automatically part of the Parent Advisory Council. Register to get the zoom details, review the agenda, and come hear about the plans for the upcoming year

Please email if you want to add items to the agenda for the meeting.

Hello Southlands families! 

We hope that you all enjoyed a fun and restful Spring Break. We have just over 11 weeks until the end of the school year. It would be amazing if we could reach our goal of $15,000 for the 2022/2023 Direct Donation Campaign. We are currently half way there. This campaign helps Southlands deliver programs and upgraded services to our entire student community that are outside of the VSB funding. Please consider donating, your generous support is greatly appreciated. You will receive a 2022 tax receipt for any donations made (please see below for details).

Funds raised through this campaign will help support the Outdoor Classroom and Classroom Funds. Our fundraising goals are $10,000 for the Outdoor classroom and $5,000 for Classroom funds.

We would like to say a huge Thank you to all of our donors to the campaign so far. We truly appreciate your support! 

Our total received to date is $7,550

To receive a tax receipt:
1) Donate Online and select "E-Southlands PAC"- this is the quickest way to receive a tax receipt or

2) Provide cash or write a cheque payable to "Southlands Elementary School" noting "2022 PAC Direct Donation" in the memo and include the pink Donor Recognition Form

Just a reminder, please remember to send the Donor Recognition form to school with the details of your donation, even if you donate online, so that we can be timely with our gratitude. This form also informs us if you would like your name to be included in our recognition of your donation or if you would like to be anonymous. If we do not receive the form, your donation will be considered anonymous.

Thank you again for supporting Southlands Elementary!
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $391 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Co-Chairs: Nina Monahan, Renee Hui
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carmen Chou, Linda Yang
DPAC Rep: Scott Kerwin

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts
