27 Jan to 31 Jan 2020
Monday, Jan 27
- 3 Crows: How the Raven stole the Sun, 9am
- Subway lunch
- Choir
Tuesday, Jan 28
Wednesday, Jan 29
- Drama Club
- Aquarium, Div 4+5
- 0 waste fair, John Oliver Secondary
Thursday, Jan 30
Friday, Jan 31
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Earth Kids club
- Hot Dog lunch
- Assembly by Gr4/5, 2pm
- Report cards come home
Looking Ahead:
Feb 3: Munch-a-lunch deadline (Hot Dog/Pizza)
Feb 3: Fruit & vegetable snack
Feb 5: Gr7 Point Grey Info session, 6:30-7:30pm
Feb 7: Lunar New Year Assembly, 9:30am
Feb 14: Munch-a-lunch deadline (Subway)
Feb 12: Axis Theatre, Div 4
Feb 12: PAC meeting, 6:15pm
Feb 13: Fire Drill, 10:40am
Feb 14: Pro D Day
Feb 17: Family Day, school closed
View the school calendar online
We need your commitment so that we know days are covered by volunteers. We welcome guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles to help. Please click this link to sign up.
Hot Dog & Pizza lunch - volunteers needed on Jan 31, Feb 7, 13
Fruit & Vegetable snack - volunteers needed on Feb 3
PAC meeting sign - Looking for a volunteer to hang the sign up the first Wed of every month there is a PAC meeting (an ideal job for a JKC family who arrives by 8:15 am)

Hello Southlands Families!
Our very best wishes to everyone who is celebrating the Lunar New Year this weekend! We are looking forward to our school’s special event on the morning of February 7th and many thanks to the parents who are busy organizing that morning.

This week our specially trained Handwashing Instructors from Div. 1 and 2 taught the primary classes about the importance of handwashing. We congratulate them and thank our Public Health Nurse, Krista Stoilen, for the training and supervision. Well done, Nick, Iris, Cassius, Lucas, Melinda and Alexis.
We had a very good turnout for our Tuesday evening IB Information Session – standing room only! Thanks to Joanna Wood and Nina Monahan for attending and speaking very eloquently about our school. We hope to be able to accept as many of those students as possible for 2020 – 2021, including Kindergarten as well as older students.
Next week, we look forward to two performances and an assembly about Balance. As well, report cards will be sent home on Friday. I have been reading and signing each report and I am so pleased to see that each teacher knows your child well, likes and respects your child, and has considered how to support every individual in achieving his or her potential. Teachers have also woven the IB Learner Traits into each report and describe how the aims of the IB PYP Program are being actualized. If you have any questions about your child’s report card, please do not hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher.
Lastly, we are thrilled to announce that Ms. Eichhorn has had her baby boy! Baby Milo made his appearance last Friday weighing just over 8 lbs. Mother, Father and Baby are doing well.
Thank you and as always, please stay in touch with any questions or concerns.
All the best for the week ahead,
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)
Novel Coronavirus
VSB sent the below note to all parents on Thu, 23 Jan:
Vancouver Coastal Health Medical Health Officers are monitoring reports of the novel coronavirus (named 2019-nCoV), first identified in Wuhan, China. While there have been cases identified outside of China, all of these individuals are known to have recently travelled to the Wuhan area.
Currently, there are no reports of cases in Canada. Public Health officials are working together to ensure that any unusual illness in arriving travellers is being appropriately screened. Physicians have also been requested to notify Public Health of any illness of concern in patients who were recently in the Wuhan area.
The Vancouver School District has been advised that the risk to the general public, including school-age children, is very low. Medical Health Officers continue to monitor the situation closely, and will provide further advice and information as it becomes available.
At this time, reports indicate that, similar to influenza, this virus is spread when a sick person coughs or sneezes. Most of the reported cases are only showing mild symptoms and are well enough to stay home. As with influenza, elderly people and those with underlying health conditions are more likely to develop severe disease and require hospitalization.
In the meantime, we would remind everyone to follow proper hygiene etiquette during the cold & flu season. This includes proper hand-washing with soap and water, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and staying home when you are sick.
Please monitor the BC Center for Disease control landing page for updated information on the virus.

Southlands will be celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year with a special assembly on Friday February 7th, 9:30 am to 11:45 am. We have 45 minutes of performances (lion dance, zodiac story, drama, songs, and traditional dances), followed by games and activities. Please mark your calendar to join us.
Volunteers are also needed to help coordinate the games and activities. If you can help, please contact Lana at 604-671-3677.

Its time to order hot lunches again. This term all orders will be online so please visit the Munchalunch website to place your order. If you have issues please reach out to southlands.fundraising@gmail.com or read the flyer
Ordering for Hot Dog & Pizza is open till Feb 5. Subway will open after that.
PYP Blog
Visit the PYP blog to read the current units of inquiry being pursued by the various grades at Southlands
KG: How we organize ourselves
Gr1/2: Where we are in place & time
Gr2/3: How the world works: Scientific principles
Gr3/4: How the world works: Natural world and its laws
Gr4/5: How we express ourselves
Gr6/7: PYP Projects, Sharing the planet
Please visit the blog to read more, and remember to subscribe
Fundraise while shopping!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Shopping online through the FlipGive Southlands team is a fundraising method that allows you to shop and have a commission go to the PAC. There are no extra costs to you.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!
Download the FlipGive App or visit www.flipgive.com/join to sign up. You will be asked to enter the Southlands Elementary team code FRJ3Z5.
How does it work? Stores on FlipGive pay a commission whenever you shop with them via their app or website, and FlipGive shares that commission with the team you are registered for. You can choose to make your shopping purchase private and no details of your shopping are shared with the PAC.
Happy Shopping!
Severe Weather
All schools in the Vancouver School District will remain open if at all possible during severe weather events. Any district-wide closure will be decided by 7:00 am at the latest. Details of district-wide or individual school closures will be announced through the media and the district website front page.
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Throughout the year any purchases online from Stong's will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!
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