Sunday, May 29, 2022

Term 3, Week 10: 30 May to 3 Jun 2022


PAC Newsletter

30 May to 3 Jun 2022

Monday, 30 May
  • Gr7 Ice cream fundraiser

Tuesday, 31 May

Wednesday, 1 Jun
  • Gr7 Ice cream fundraiser
  • Welcome to KG for Sep 2022 students

Thursday, 2 Jun
Friday, 3 Jun
  • Sports Day

Looking ahead
Jun 8: PAC AGM, 7pm
Jun 10: PAC Fundraiser with Nellies ends
Jun 13: Pro D Day
Jun 15: VCH Hearing screening, KG & Gr1
Jun 24: Rainbow Pride Day
Jun 27: Gr7 leaving ceremony
Jun 29: Last day of school
View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment (english or simplified chinese) before sending your child(ren) to school. Or use the K-12 Health Check website.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 or use the new doorbell beside the door so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email or phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. If you phone, you will be required to use a school code. The Southlands school code is 79#.

Hello Southlands families,

We are planning a fun but low key Sports Day for Friday, June 3rd.  Each class will be divided into three colour teams. The classes will rotate through ten activities and one rest station. Students from Point Grey Secondary will lead the stations. The PAC is buying each student a pizza lunch, with a cookie and chips. Students are encouraged to bring a hat, their water bottle and sunscreen. The activities will begin at 9:30 am and end at 2:00 pm. If parents wish to take their children home at that time, they may. Students who remain at school until 3:03 pm will be doing quiet activities in their classrooms. Parents are welcome to attend Sports Day, but encouraged to meet their child outside. (An adult washroom is available on the second floor across from the office.)  We look forward to seeing you on June 3rd. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out - we are here to help.

Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram

Our next PAC meeting on June 8th (moved up from Jun 15) will be the Annual General Meeting, the last meeting of the year. Please register to attend. We will be voting in the new executive DPAC members, discussing the budget for next year and what options are available for hot lunch in the new school year.

Every parent and caregiver with a child at Southlands is automatically part of the Parent Advisory Council. Come join us and shape what services the PAC provides our students next year.
We are coming to the end of the school year and your class parent will be reaching out to you regarding an end of year class gift in appreciation of your teacher and teaching assistant(s). If your class parent does not have your contact information and you would like to be included in the class gift, please email them directly by June 3.

The email contacts for the class parents are: Thank you so much for supporting our amazing teaching staff!

We are looking for more photos to include in the yearbook! If you have photos of your child doing school activities, please send the photos with your child's full name,  division, and school activity (Halloween, Exhibition, Track and Field etc) to so we can include them. 

To order your yearbook, visit: before Thursday, Jun 2!
Price: $20 softcover | $10 e-yearbook
If you prefer to send a cheque, please contact Dina at

Thank you!

Do you have a stroller you are no longer using?
A parent in our school community is collecting used strollers for Afghan refugee families who have recently landed in Vancouver. Many of these families have young children and can’t afford to purchase a stroller. This unfortunately limits their ability to get outside with the children. If you have a stroller you can donate, please contact Caroline at

Southlands PAC Fundraiser with Nellie’s Clean

Welcome to Nellie’s! We are a local, BC based company that provides an entire line of cleaning products free of toxins and phosphates. We pride ourselves on being a planet-friendly, simple, and honest company, which means that all our items are eco-friendly, hypoallergenic, and highly effective, helping to keep our planet as spotless as our clothes!

During your Nellie’s fundraiser, families will receive 20% OFF all items (excluding bulk, sets, bundles and sale items) using codes SOUTHLANDS22 & SCHOOLFREESHIPPING

The ordering deadline for the Southlands fundraiser is June 10, 2022. Start your green cleaning journey today!
  1. Go to
  2. Click the shopping cart icon in the top right, apply BOTH coupon codes before proceeding to checkout.
  3. Type SOUTHLANDS22 in the “Enter Discount Code Here” box, click “Apply” and type SCHOOLFREESHIPPING & “Apply”.
  4. Proceed to checkout and Input your first & last name
  5. Input the schools address as the shipping address
  6. Input the Schools Name under “Apartment, Suite, etc.”
  7. Continue to payment, input billing address and submit!
At the end of your fundraiser, Southlands will earn 10% of total sales! Your support will help cover costs for programs, equipment, resources and activities, so all contributions are greatly appreciated!

Happy Cleaning!
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $391 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Co-Chairs: Nina Monahan, Renee Hui
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carmen Chou, Linda Yang
DPAC Rep: Scott Kerwin

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

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