Sunday, November 28, 2021

Term 1, Week 13: 29 Nov to 3 Dec 2021

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PAC Newsletter

29 Nov to 3 Dec 2021

Monday, 29 Nov

Tuesday, 30 Nov
  • Student leadership, 12:15pm

Wednesday, 1 Dec
  • Flute lessons

Thursday, 2 Dec

Friday, 3 Dec
Looking ahead
15 Dec: PAC meeting, 7pm
16 Dec: Mini-school application deadline
17 Dec: Spirit Day - Pajama Day
17 Dec: Last day of school
4 Jan: School reopens

View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment (english or simplified chinese) before sending your child(ren) to school. Or use the K-12 Health Check website.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 or use the new doorbell beside the door so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email or phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. If you phone, you will be required to use a school code. The Southlands school code is 79#.

Hello Southlands Families!

We hope you received the School Newsletter via email on Friday. In it we wrote about the VSB Staff Indigenous Focus Day and what Southlands teachers learned. We also wrote about dressing students for atmospheric rivers, and about Kindness (with a capital K because it is so important). Tomorrow we are launching our Dare to be Kind campaign which will officially last until the Winter Break, but unofficially for the rest of the school year and beyond. Because the IB Learner Trait theme of December is Risk-taker, we want to challenge students and staff to take risks to be kind - that is - to stand up for ourselves, stand up for others and to go out of our ways to be "a little kinder than necessary," as author J.M. Barry wrote.

Watch for the last newsletter of 2021 on December 10th.
Have a wonderful week ahead: stay calm, kind, safe, and dry!

Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram
The Southlands PAC Direct Donation campaign for the 2022/2023 school year is well underway. This campaign helps Southlands deliver programs and upgraded services to our entire student community that are outside of the VSB funding. Please consider donating, your generous support is greatly appreciated. For a 2021 tax receipt, please donate before the end of this year.

Please review the information previously sent home for details of how you can donate.

Funds raised through this campaign will help support the Outdoor Classroom and Classroom Funds. Our fundraising goals are $10,000 for the Outdoor classroom and $5,000 for Classroom funds.

We would like to say a huge Thank you to our most recent donors to the campaign. We truly appreciate your support! We have received our first donations over $500 and another anonymous donation under $500. 

We would like to thank: 
  • Bao Shi Gao 
  • Wei Hua Zhao
Our total received to date is $3,300

Just a reminder, please remember to send the paper form to school with the details of your donation, so that we can be timely with our gratitude. 

Thank you again for supporting Southlands Elementary!
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $391 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Co-Chairs: Nina Monahan, Renee Hui
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carmen Chou, Linda Yang
DPAC Rep: Geraldine Teixeira

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

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