23 Nov to 27 Nov 2020
Monday, 23 November
Tuesday, 24 November
Wednesday, 25 November
Thursday, 26 November
Friday, 27 November
Looking ahead
2 Dec: Masks pickup, 2:45-3:30pm
9 Dec: Pies pickup, 1864 W 4th Avenue
18 Dec: Pajama day
19 Dec: Winter Break starts
View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school. Click here to review.
If you are late to school, your child must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child in.
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Hello Southlands Families!
We hope you are all well. We continue to be vigilant with our Covid routines and protocols. We thank you for reminding students to wash hands frequently, wear/use respiratory etiquette, and keep hands to oneself.
Do you know anyone with a child born in 2016? It is Kindergarten Registration time! Families in the Southlands catchment can register students for Kindergarten in September 2021, during November, December and January online: https://www.vsb.bc.ca/School/School-Registration/Pages/default.aspx. Then they will call the office to set up an appointment to bring documentation to the school.
If your child would like to contribute some writing to the school newsletter, the next issue will be sent home on Friday, Nov. 27th. A reminder that Friday is a District Indigenous Focus Day and school is not in session. I would like to receive and writing by Thursday the 26th at mpaxton@vsb.bc.ca.
Student Leadership got a nice mention on the front of the VSB website in the scrolling banner at https://www.vsb.bc.ca/Pages/default.aspx If you have not seen it, please take a look! We are proud of our Sockeyes!
Please take care of yourselves and if you have any questions or concerns, please call or email.
Margaret Paxton
Principal (@SouthlandsIB)
Story of the last Musqueam family to live in what is now known as the Endowment Lands by the University of British Columbia.
Southlands masks are here, and it's not too late to get yours!
We have re-opened sales and have a limited supply of both youth and adult sizes available. Place your order on MunchaLunch between Monday, Nov 23 and Sunday Nov 29, and the masks will be sent home with your child the following week.
Families who are studying from home can also order, and we will hold a pickup day outside the school on Wednesday Dec 2nd from 2:45pm until 3:30pm.
These beautiful masks provide 2 layers of fabric and have an insert pocket for a filter if you wish. The artwork is a portion of the Southlands school logo, which was redesigned in 2017, featuring artwork by a Musqueam Band member.
Masks cost $15.50 each and can be ordered by logging in to your MunchaLunch account and choosing “Final Mask Sales”. If you have questions about ordering please Renee at southlands.fundraising@gmail.com
Order now to get the size you want!
Holiday gift cards are back!
This is a one-time special Holiday Gift Card order with specialty merchants not offered in our regular program. The funds raised will pay for many important school programs and equipment now and in the future.
You will be getting a paper form in your child's backpack this week that you can fill out and send back to school. If you are doing virtual learning or want to get a head start, print out the order form and email it to southlands.giftcards@gmail.com. Priya will discuss payment options.
Your Gift Cards will be ready for pickup in the second week of December. Stay tuned to the newsletter for when they are ready.
We are so thrilled to announce our Christmas fundraiser this year with the Pie Hole! Support our Southlands classrooms by treating your families to a variety of delicious, family-sized (9") sweet and savory pies. Pies from The Pie Hole are consistently ranked as the best in the city! The money raised will help to support our teachers and students by funding programs and helping teachers to purchase additional supplies for their classrooms.
Dates: Monday November 23 to Friday December 4
Order link: https://southlands.thepiehole.com
Pickup day: Wednesday December 9 between12 pm to 8 pm at the Kitsilano store (1864 W 4th Avenue)
** If you have difficulty getting to the store to pick up your order please email southlands.fundraising@gmail.com for assistance**
Payments: Shop Pay, Google Pay, Pay Pal, Visa, and Master Cards
Join an engaging and informative evening with your DPAC community for part two of the sustainability education series called Sustainability: Principles to Practice this Thursday, November 26, 2020. You will take away the latest information about the Vancouver Plan for greening our city, plus the latest developments and next planning stages.
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-6rpzwtGNCuXqg0nF1MuQSvByIU59eC
Come discover more about the Six Big Moves and comprehensive recommendations that will improve access and mobility, increasing wellness, and guide the principles in reaching essential climate targets.
Hear from student organizers for this year's VSB Sustainability Conference. Meet resilient teens who have generously given their time to share their experience, strategies, and tips with parents. Support these highly motivated and devoted student leaders, committed to raising awareness and creating a sustainable future for themselves and the generations following them.
Hear from past Sustainabiliteens who are now mentoring and supporting students and keeping the momentum going. Hear what practical steps you can take and how empowering it feels when you embrace life affirming principles and take them into practice by making steps that enhance future outcomes.
DPAC report
Parent survey & Option 4
In the near future, VSB will be polling families on their feedback of the school year to date, now that Q1 is finished at secondary schools.
At the November 12 DPAC meeting, delegations presented their reasons for choosing Option 4 and requesting that VSB continue this option. Suzanne Hoffman later shared that this is a consideration.
Seismic Mitigation Project
In June Southlands was listed as a notional consideration for SMP (seismic mitigation project) in 2025/26. Southlands remains 1 of 244 BC schools in the Future Priorities list.
We do feel confident that Trustees and staff now recognize the importance of maintaining our school, and supporting our facilities at some point in the future, as we are the only school in this geographical corner by the Endowment Lands.
When a school eventually reaches the time to evaluate what the SMP will look like, VSB and the Mitigation steering committee will review three options: replacement of school, brand new build or a an upgrade. They choose the lowest cost preferred option. Stakeholders are not involved in this process.
Any parents who will still be at our school in 3 years time from now are encouraged to follow along this topic to continue advocating for families Deb Broadhurst is happy to share knowledge and connect parents with DPAC.
Phase 1 of the Build2Learn VSB campaign happened at the beginning of the year. Results from 4185 participants are posted at https://www.vsb.bc.ca/District/Board-of-Education/Build2Learn/Pages/Default.aspx
Phase 2 happened over the last month over zoom, facilitated by an outside company. It was clear at the start of this three week process that families were not made aware of these consultations. At the start participants were told that these stakeholder consultations would not inform the LRFP, but this was later corrected. The sessions have now finished, and we are waiting for the results to be posted.

Spaghetti tower challenge
We have partnered with Emily Press Labels to try out a new label fundraiser. Emily Press is a local Vancouver company, so shipping is extra fast, with orders usually mailed out next business day. When you or your friends and family shop through our special shopping link below, we earn 20% commission from every sale.
Support our fundraiser and help keep belongings out of the Lost & Found! Start shopping through our special link www.emilypress.com/southlandspac
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $300 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
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