Sunday, September 27, 2020

Term 1, Week 4: 28 Sep to 2 Oct 2020

Read in simplified Chinese

28 Sep to 2 Oct 2020

Monday, 28 September
  • Pro D-Day, school closed
Tuesday, 29 September
  • Bike to school week
  • Leadership Club, 12:15pm, undercover area
Wednesday, 30 September
  • Orange Shirt Day
  • Bike to school week
  • Deadline to fill online VSB forms
  • Return VSB forms in backpack
Thursday, 1 October Friday, 2 October
  • Bike to school week
  • Terry Fox Day (bring a toonie)
  • Deadline to order Southlands face mask

Looking ahead
5 Oct: Meet the Teacher week
12 Oct: Thanksgiving
23 Oct: Pro D-Day

View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school.

Two school forms have gone online this year. Please visit to complete your child's CASL (media) consent and Acceptable Use of Technology forms. The rest were sent your child(ren)'s backpack this week so please fill those out and send back as well. If you have questions, please contact Teresa at 604-713-5414.

If you are late to school, your child must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child in.
If you know of new parents joining Southlands, please encourage them to sign up for the newsletter at This year most PAC communication will be digital given the restrictions at school.

The PAC has also created a family handbook for new and returning parents. Please have a look through. It is archived on the PAC webpage.

Greetings, Southlands Families.

We completed our second week of school without complications.  Classes are running smoothly and everyone is following the rules and protocols.  This week, teachers began to connect with families who chose Option 4.  Thank you all for checking your email regularly! If you have not heard from your child’s teacher, please give us a call.  Every student is now part of their Classroom Team on Microsoft Teams.  If you need help with the username and password, please contact your child’s teacher or call the office.

We have a couple of requests to make at this time:
  1. If your child is late to school, please make sure they come to the office to sign in before going to class.  You can call the office and we will let them in the front door by the Salmon Mural, or they can enter through the back door and come straight to the office.
  2. Students leaving early also need to sign out at the office, and we will call to make sure there is a parent or guardian to pick the student up, or you can call to say that you have arrived for pick up.
  3. Please avoid walking through the Staff Parking Lot.  We are trying to set a good example for our students.  Thank you!

On Friday, Oct. 2nd we will be celebrating our Southlands Terry Fox Day!  Each class will decide how they want to remember Terry.  As always, we will be collecting donations on Friday.  You can send a donation to school or donate online.  We will send out the code on Monday.

On Tuesday, there will be the first meeting of the Southlands Student Leadership Club, in the undercover area at 12:15.  Join Mrs. Paxton and some other staff members to help plan spirit days and other special events, practice public speaking and other leadership skills. All students, K – 7, are welcome.

Margaret Paxton
Principal (@SouthlandsIB)
Learner Profile: Caring

The Learner Profile is central to the Primary Years Programme and is comprised of ten attributes: caring, inquirer, thinker, communicator, knowledgeable, open-minded, risk-taker, principled, balanced, and reflective.  The aim of every PYP school is to foster the development of children so they become internationally minded humans who embody the attributes of the Learner Profile and take action help to create a better, more peaceful world.

Every September, we begin the school year with a school-wide focus on being caring. Whether you are attending school this September or learning from home, we hope you can spend some time as a family focusing on all the ways you can be caring towards others, yourself, and the environment. Caring actions can be large or small, local or global, but each one of them makes life a little bit better for someone else or the world around us.

You can read more on the Southlands PYP Blog authored by Ms Wood. Please subscribe to be notified of new blog entries from the menu in the right

If I haven't had a chance to meet you yet, my name is Miss Mikyla, and I teach flute lessons at Southlands Elementary. It is a program we have been running for many years now and would love to have your child participate.
NEW: This program is open to ALL STUDENTS, in any grade, and at any age (YES, including kindergarten!). This year the programs will be held
outside of school hours and off school property.

Students aged 5 -7 are invited to attend three trial lessons held at the Mozart School of Music Vancouver, to test out the flute and flute playing. Although these trial classes are only for ages 5-7, Kinderflute and the Blocki flute method will be used throughout the year during flute classes!

Students aged 8 and up who are interested in lessons should please begin by completing this survey.

Kinderflute is really a revolutionary music education program and we'd love to have some Southlands students join us!

Thanks so much for your help! Feel free to email if you have any questions!

Southlands Face Masks are now available!

The PAC will be selling reusable face masks in two sizes: Youth and Adult. Youth masks will fit children from K to Gr 7 and smaller adults. The masks feature a two layer design with an internal pocket that could hold a filter. Masks will be $15.50 each and are being sold as a fundraiser for Southlands PAC. To order, log in to your MunchaLunch account and click on 'Fundraising'.

Ordering closes this week, on Oct 4. We will place a bulk order the week of Oct 5, so please expect to receive your Southlands face mask mid October.

Safe Arrival

If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Chair: Nina Monahan
Vice Chair: Farnaz Imani 
Secretary: Cecilia Imani
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
Past Chair & DPAC representative: Deb Broadhurst

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

If you were forwarded this newsletter, please sign up


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