30 Mar to 3 Apr 2020
- In-class instruction suspended

With spring break wrapping up and in-class instruction still being suspended, the PAC is continuing to work with the DPAC and VSB to understand how we support our students' education through this. Please stay tuned to the PAC facebook page for regular updates and keep checking the VSB COVID page for the latest information. Also keep checking VSB's youtube feed for regular updates from the Superintendent, Suzanne Hoffman.
VSB Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman's Mar 27 update
For those families who have paid for hot lunches from April onwards, we greatly appreciate your patience while our hard-working executive team figures things out at this time. We will follow up with you at a later date about options for using your payments. We also understand that the current situation is very uncertain for many families. If you urgently require a refund of your payments please email Nina and we will be happy to arrange this, but we respectfully ask that you consider our volunteers' time and responsibilities as well.
We also want to remind parents that Ms Woods' PYP blog has lots of great information about applying the PYP in everyday life at home, reading lists, PYP videos and relevant links... there are still lots of ways to support your child in their IB learning while we're off school.
The Government of BC has launched a new site, Keep Learning BC, to ensure there is a central place where parents can find a list of free, educational activities for every age, designed to support the BC curriculum. Please bookmark it and visit it frequently as more resources are added.
In this time of need, an easy way to help our community is to donate money online to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Needs are currently high and donations are down. The PYP Learner profile asks students to be Caring, meaning, we show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. This is a great way that we can do this safely at this time.
Finally, we ask parents to share photos and what they are doing to keep busy during this time, so we can share with the rest of the Southlands's families.

Hello Southland Families!
I hope you are well. I am finding it hard to write a message that does not echo everything that has already been said about these challenging times. During the past two weeks, I have been trying to focus on staying positive and hopeful that when we are together again, I truly believe we all will be kinder, more patient and more grateful for the things that we took for granted before this pandemic. I have been reading a book about teaching literacy called Start with Joy: designing literacy learning for student happiness, by Katie Egan Cunningham. The author has reinforced my belief that learning should be joyful, even when it is hard, and that when we help students become creative, flexible and imaginative thinkers, we prepare them to be the problem solvers of the future. So, despite the many challenges we face in schools moving forward, I am certain that we can find authentic ways to notice, name and nurture our students’ skills and competencies.
You should have received information about school this coming week from our Superintendent, via email (see below). The notice was sent to the email address you provided with your child’s VSB registration, or you since provided to the school. Some parents indicated in the past that they did not wish to receive emails from the school. Others may not have provided an email at the time of registration. If you know of families that are not receiving emails and who wish to now, please have them email southlands@vsb.bc.ca and we will update our records. This way they can get the notices from the Superintendent.
Thank you for understanding that we do not have answers to all the questions you must have about school and learning right now, but we will share what we know when information becomes available.
Please look after yourselves and know that I and the Southlands staff are thinking of you.
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)

On Friday, parents received the below letter from the VSB Superintendent. Please let southlands@vsb.bc.ca know if you are not receiving the emails.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your patience as the District develops plans to move forward as we all adapt to the limitations resulting from Covid-19. As your superintendent, I understand the anxiety and ambiguity that families and staff are feeling. I would like you to know that the Vancouver School District’s number one priority is the health and safety of our students, staff and you as families. We care deeply about your well-being and will do all that we can to support you and your children at this difficult time.
As the official end of spring break is upon us, the District will implement a phased approach to provide continued learning opportunities for all students. In advance of implementing these opportunities, the District will focus on three initial priorities:
- Ensure the health and safety of students, staff and communities
- Communicate thoughtfully, transparently and in a timely manner
- Provide connections to ensure students feel valued and have a sense of belonging and community
With these priorities addressed, we will be able to move forward to implement our fourth priority:
- Continued learning opportunities so that all students can successfully transition to their next phase of learning
District staff have been working throughout spring break to develop plans and processes to begin to meet our goals. Throughout the past two weeks, many staff have transitioned to working from home, although some are still working in schools and offices. Those working with others have been practicing physical/social distancing and other measures that our public health officials have advised for everyone. As we transition to having a few additional staff members in schools, these important safety practices will be a continued expectation.
For Vancouver students, school will not be the same. As you know, in-class instruction is suspended. This means there will be a fundamental shift in school services and supports for students. Teachers and support staff will need time to prepare and plan for what that looks like and how to carry out the plans to support students. Next week, school staff will begin to communicate with families and students to check in on how you are doing, to establish connections, and to determine what would be most helpful in supporting your children.
One of our top three priorities is to establish ways to maintain supportive connections between home and school. I have every confidence that our dedicated administrators, teachers and support staff will strive to sustain a strong sense of community and ensure that students know they are cared for, valued, and that their education matters.
Here are some other things to expect from your schools and our District as a whole.
Toward the end of next week, school staff will reach out to provide further information on plans about how students can access materials and belongings from their schools, potentially some ideas about the continuation of learning, and plans to support the most vulnerable students and their families. This will not be perfect and there will be bumps along the way. Please be assured that we are working diligently to do the very best we can on behalf of all students.
In addition, I would like to provide two additional updates about work underway to support children and families.
Supporting vulnerable students:
Throughout the past two weeks, a team of District staff have been looking to continue to provide meals to eligible students, through our schools. Again, this will be a phased approach with initial steps starting on Monday, March 30. Information will go out to families about the health and safety requirements (such as social/physical distancing) and the pick-up plan for students who previously accessed this support service. Feeding children and youth who require this enhanced support is a priority for the government and for the Vancouver Board of Education. We are pleased to be able to do so and are thankful to members of IUOE – one of our unions – for working with us to develop and implement this plan.
Providing childcare for children of essential service workers:
All school districts have been tasked with ensuring childcare for essential service providers. Our staff have been working closely with government ministries (Education, Health and Children and Family Development) as well as the City of Vancouver, the Park Board and childcare service providers to put plans in place to support the children of healthcare providers and first responders during this challenging time. More details will follow as soon as they are available. In the meantime, please continue to check for updates online, via the District website or your school’s site. We will also continue to share information on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Personally, I am inspired by our community, and I am grateful for the dedication of our team who play a vital role in your children’s lives. In closing, I want to highlight the importance of staying calm and reassuring children during this challenging time. As a community, our mutual support of each other in the interests of all children will help see us through these unprecedented times.
Suzanne Hoffman
Superintendent of Schools
Vancouver School District

In this world of social distancing, if you are ordering groceries online from Stong's, please pick "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu so that the PAC can earn a rebate. Thank you for your support!
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