On Friday, parents received the below letter from the VSB Superintendent. Please let southlands@vsb.bc.ca know if you are not receiving the emails.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week, staff at the Vancouver School District have made progress on two important priority areas as directed by the Ministry of Education: feeding our most vulnerable students and planning for the child care needs of our health care providers and first responders. In doing so, our teams steadfastly maintain the health and safety requirements for students, staff and our school communities. In addition, school principals have connected with their school-based staff teams. And, teachers have started to reach out to their students. It is inspiring to see what can happen when our community comes together.
Vancouver School District staff have also been working on what the continuation of learning will look like for your children. This work will vary by school, from teacher-to-teacher, the ages of your children and their learning needs, and each child’s access to technology.
District staff have also been working to provide some early resources to support all staff, parents and caregivers as well as children. I am pleased to share these with you today. You can find them on our continuity of learning web page. Here you will also find details about curriculum focus for student age groups as well as the amount of work we expect teachers to assign.
In the coming days and weeks, we will add resources and information to this continuity of learning hub on the District’s website. The current materials and resources are intended to supplement the lesson plans and assignments your children’s teachers will provide moving forward.
The continuation of learning during the COVID-19 response recognizes and reflects:
- Learning Together: a partnership between families and educators
- Learning in a New Space: a journey, with many pathways, of curiosity and exploration
- Learning for All: an opportunity for engagement and connections for all students
Learning partnerships have already started to be established through the connections that teachers and support staff are making with their students. As we collectively move forward with your child’s – and our own learning – we need to remember that there will be multiple pathways to success. There is no one-size-fits-all plan for children or for teachers. The District will ask staff to go forward, one step at a time, and begin to address the educational needs of your children. The journey will be as important as the destination.
The District is very mindful of equity of access to educational resources for our students. Teachers are reaching out to their students and their families to help understand those needs. And with that information in hand, we can then determine learning plans and supports to be put in place. We are committed to ensuring that no child will be neglected in our work and we will address the needs of all students in the days and weeks ahead.
We hope you find the materials on the continuity of learning hub helpful and insightful. There is no expectation that parents will do the job of teachers. However, at the District, we have always valued the partnership between our educators and you, as parents and caregivers. Today, more than ever, we want you to know how deeply we value this partnership and recommit our efforts to you, as partners in your children’s journey
Suzanne Hoffman
Superintendent of Schools
Vancouver School District
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