20 Apr to 24 Apr 2020
Monday, 20 Apr
- Div1 Teams call
- Div6/7 Teams call
Tuesday, 21 Apr
Wednesday, 22 Apr
- Earth Day
- Div 1 Teams call
Thursday, 23 Apr
Friday, 24 Apr
- Div 1 Teams call
- Div 6/7 Teams call
Please stay tuned to the PAC facebook page for regular updates and keep checking the VSB COVID and Continuity of Learning pages for the latest information.
Mrs Paxton is recording a morning message for the students (and parents) every day and posting on Twitter and Instagram. Make sure to follow her, @SouthlandsIB!
Also keep checking VSB's youtube feed for regular updates from the Superintendent, Suzanne Hoffman.
The PYP program has put out some learning at home resources for parents to help them guide their children. Ms Wood has also been publishing her thoughts on viewing the pandemic through the PYP lens on the Southlands PYP blog.
A big thank you to the parents who sent photos. Please keep them coming! Congratulations to Mr Lee on the birth of baby Alyssa. We are all so happy for you!

Greeting, Southlands Families!
While sailing the good ship, Spirit of Southlands, this week, we were so happy to see many more students and their families logging on to Teams Classrooms. Thank you!
We know that these are difficult times and with so much uncertainty, people feel more anxious than usual. Please let us help if we can. Teresa and I are in the office from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Monday – Friday.
Please also have a look at this link to see if there is anything helpful: https://www.vsb.bc.ca/Student_Learning/Continuity_of_Learning/Pages/default.aspx
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)
The talented Point Grey Senior Photography students are once again participating in the Capture Photography festival with two exhibitions of work. The first one is the Incubator Flash Forward project: Due to these strange circumstances that have surrounded us they are unable to have an opening reception or an exhibition of the work but the organizers have developed an online exhibition of the work. There is also an online auction that you can access - all proceeds for which go to our program: Yes you too can own an original Emma Gibb, Jason Guan or Ella Goldman among other wildly talented Photographers! Or you can just look and enjoy of course.
Are you are interested in getting outside for fresh air and for a good cause? This is a call for volunteers to Southlands Families, Teachers, and Staff. Would you like to help plant seeds for the Outdoor Food Garden boxes and/or tidy up the garden beds and containers at the front of the school?
By ensuring physical distancing and bringing our own garden tools, we can comply with COVID-19 requirements and eliminate risks. Based on the number of volunteers, we may spread this over multiple days and/or schedule times to allow everyone to participate.
We will also need help to water the gardens on a regular basis as the weather warms up, especially over the summer. We can share our progress through the new SouthlandsIB Instagram.
We are very proud of our school, the beautiful garden beds, containers, and Outdoor School Food Garden program need our care. We hope to gain your support and look forward to hearing from you!
The owner of the Johnny Rockets restaurant on Oak Street is launching Operation Rocket to say thanks to the staff at Vancouver General Hospital. They are going to be sending 200 free lunches for the VGH staff daily, for 28 days. Operation Rocket starts on April 13th.
They wish to have hand written notes of encouragement and thanks from the community, which they will staple to the lunch bags everyday they run Operation Rocket. To this end they are reaching out to schools and asking local families to provide these notes that they can include. They ask that the notes be handwritten, small in size and not placed inside a sealed envelope, but left open. Then they will staple each note to the side of the lunch bags.
They have left a box outside the restaurant which is on the corner of Oak Street and West Broadway for families to walk by and drop the notes in to. Nobody will have to come into the restaurant, as the collection box is placed on a table on the sidewalk, by the front door. Alternatively, there will be a box at Southlands, near the steps to the school, near the office. We will gather the notes from there and drop them off at the restaurant.
Please drop off a note to thank our frontline workers and show our appreciation for all they do!

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
This week they have split label packs on sale
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