9 Mar to 13 Mar 2020
Monday, Mar 9
- Zero Waste Heroes Assembly, 9am
- Choir
Tuesday, Mar 10
- Knowledgeable assembly, 9am
Wednesday, Mar 11
- Drama Club
- PAC meeting, 2-3pm, Art room
- Parent Education Lecture: We Have a Revised Curriculum
- District choral festival, Senior choir only, 6pm, John Oliver
Thursday, Mar 12
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Flute (bring flutes)
Friday, Mar 13
- Animal Dress up Day
- Purdy's Easter order deadline
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Earth Kids club
- Hot Dog lunch (3 volunteers needed)
Looking Ahead:
Mar 16: Spring break starts
Mar 30: School reopens
Mar 31: Div 3+4 @ Orpheum Theatre, 12:15-2:45
Apr 6: Gr7 Articulation
Apr 8: Class photos
Apr 8: Fire drill, 11:45am
Apr 8: PAC meeting, 6:15pm
Apr 9: Saleema Noon class visit
Apr 9: Safety house for Gr3
Apr 10: Good Friday
View the school calendar online

Do you like hot lunch Fridays? We may have to cancel the program because of a lack of volunteers.
We rely on parent volunteers for this program to run… please lend a helping hand!
No experience is necessary, just your willingness to help for about an hour around lunch time. Please email Cecilia to signup or visit the Signup page and create an account to sign up for the dates you’re available.
We appreciate help from anyone: parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc!!
Thank you!

Hello Southland Families!
On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, we were very impressed with our students’ Exhibition projects. As someone who has never experienced Exhibition before, two things stood out for me. One was the students’ confidence in public speaking and the other was the number of impactful actions that the groups took to make the world a better place. The students were clearly inspired themselves, and motivated to learn more about their area of interest. I once heard an expert speak on the topic of helping students find a career path, and he said, “Don’t ask young people what their passion is. Ask them instead, what is the source of their heartbreak.” Our Southlands students give us a lot of hope for the future.
This week we welcomed three new friends to Division 5: Aaron, Solomon and Samuel. Welcome to Southlands!
On Monday afternoon we will draw the name of the winner of Pizza with the Principal and the Canucks tickets, so students still have time to enter to win. Bring in the slip from the bottom of the March Newsletter. Thanks again to Ms. Katz and her brother for donating the tickets.
Thanks, as always, to the parents who volunteer for Hot Lunch Fridays. We appreciate your time and service. Extra pizza and hotdogs may be available for purchase for $2 each on Fridays.
Have a great week, everyone, and please call or come by the office if you have any questions or concerns.
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)

This week, the PAC meeting is at an earlier time of 2-3pm. We hope more parents will join us in the library. Agenda for this meeting is posted here.
Minutes from past meetings are archived here
PYP Exhibition
Grade 6/7 showcased their Exhibition projects in the gym last week.Thank you to all the parents who came out to hear the students present and share their learnings. For those who did not get a chance, Joanna has posted pictures on the PYP blog. Please have a look!

Please get excited and ready for our Purdy's Easter Campaign! Paper catalogues will be sent home on Monday. Paper order deadline is this week, Friday, March 13
You can also order online. Log in use either southlands.fundraising@gmail.com or customer number 6421 to get connected to our campaign. Please fill out Student Name and Division # under Additional Information on your online order form for easier distribution. Online order deadline is Sunday March 29.
If you have any questions, please email us at southlands.fundraising@gmail.com

On Friday Mar 13, dress like your favorite animal in support of the SPCA. Bring a donation of cash, towels or canned pet food.

Vancouver Chess School is gladly offering Thursday after-school lessons to all Grade 1 to 7 students who're interested. Classes run from 3 pm to 4:30 pm from April 9 to June 18. Please register an account and select the chess after school program offered at Southlands.

Mad Science is offering the after school program at Southlands again next term. Please sign up if interested. Registration deadline is Mar 27.
Classes this term are:
Use your hands as a real Mad Scientist in this whirlwind class on how a lab works! Learn to manipulate laboratory equipment at your personal lab bench!
Create a tiny world of atoms, learn to recognize chemical reactions and mix up a few reactive ingredients for some sensational results!
Slide down the colorful pH scale and dip into the world of acids and bases! Explore the pH extremes in what is sure-to-be a popping experience! Discover whether liquids found in your home are acids or bases using your personal pH Paper!
Ooze into a gooey hour of sliming around! Create slime and then enter the Slime Olympics!
Hop on board the chemistry express for a high-speed science experience! Perform instantaneous experiments in this fast-paced class on split-second reactions that go like mad!
Discover amazing things that glow bright in the dark and come to light! Probe the properties of light and explore some unusual applications of glow-in-the-dark technology!
Stick it to the walls, and push the power of tape to the limits in this adhesive hour on things that cling! Build a bond with glue!
Manipulate matter in all of its three states! Melt metal in boiling water and freeze water with just a breath of dry ice!
Fundraise while shopping!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $217 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!
Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
This week they have small rectangle labels 40% off as part of their birthday sale
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
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