19 Apr to 23 Apr 2021
Monday, 19 April
Tuesday, 20 April
Wednesday, 21 April
- 2pm dismissal, student led conference
Thursday, 22 April
Friday, 23 April
Looking ahead
26 Apr: Pro-D Day
27 Apr: Photo Day
4 May: Spirit Day - Star Wars
24 May: Victoria Day
View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school. Click here to review.
If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child(ren) in.
If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.

Hello Southlands Families!
On Friday we emailed home our bi-weekly Southlands School Newsletter. Please call the office if you, for some reason, did not receive it. There are updates about the school garden, the Future Play Space, and more.
Thanks for remembering that students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm on Wednesday and Thursday for conferences. These conferences are usually "student-led" and done in school. Thanks for understanding that teachers are all trying to do their best to empower students to share their learning with you at home, rather than at school, due to the pandemic. You can always contact your child's teacher at any time of the school year for an individualized progress report: just call or email.
Thank you for staying safe after school and limiting social gathering. And finally, a warm welcome to our new teacher, Ms. Carrie Baker, who will teach Division 4 until the end of June.
Be calm, be kind, be safe! Stay #SockeyeStrong!
Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram
Current units of inquiry
Currently, the kindergarten classes are inquiring into Sharing the Planet, specifically rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things.
The grade one classes have begun an inquiry into Sharing the Planet, specifically communities and the relationship within and between them.
The grade two/three classes are continuing their inquiry into How the World Works, and the central idea: Natural forces transform the land and impact human life.
The grade four/five classes and the grade five/six classes have begun an inquiry into Where We Are in Place and Time, specifically the discoveries‚ explorations‚ and migrations of humankind.
The grade six/seven classes have begun an inquiry into Who We are, specifically personal‚ physical‚ mental‚ social‚ and spiritual health.
Read more on the Southlands PYP blog

DPAC General Meeting: UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
On April 22, host Rachel A. Snow will talk about UNDRIP and Bill C-15, from the perspective as a protector of the sovereign rights of the Stoney Nakoda Sioux Tribe. The evening is meant to present a perspective that is not often represented in the mainstream media. The concerns of many Indigenous People about Canada's adoption of UNDRIP and Bill C-15 is that it will no longer serve the intent with which it was written -- the document was created by Indigenous People for Indigenous People. Our intent is to provide attendees with an understanding of the significant resistance to the current push to adopt an amended CANDRIP.
Music in Elementary Schools
Following the Feb 10 VSB Student Learning and Well Being Committee meeting, at the April 14 meeting the same information was reiterated. Sadly, this highlights the slow and costly process to advance music in elementary schools.
They have now recommended: "that the Board approve District staff to develop and submit to the committee for consideration a stakeholder engagement proposal that could be followed in order to implement the first recommendation of the Music review, which is: 'that the District establish a shared vision mission, vision and strategic direction for the Visual and Performing Arts.'."
If you are interested to help support DPAC in this area, please let Deb know or contact DPAC directly http://vancouverdpac.org/contact-us
2021-22 School Fees
At the April 14 VSB Student Learning and Well Being Committee, VSB presented that the Southlands School fees for next year will be $42 - $7 for agenda and $35 for supplies
Option 4 Learning from Home
At the April 14 VSB Student Learning and Well Being Committee meeting, VSB announced that Option 4 will not be an option next year through VSB, and will direct families to other online options.
Anti-Racism Working Group
DPAC has struck a working group that is laying the groundwork to create an anti-racism committee to shadow the VSB Anti-Racism Committee, as well as advise DPAC and work in concert with executives in anti-oppression work. Interested parents place contact Karen at karen.tsang@vancouverdpac.org.
Southlands DPAC rep open for next year
This is my final year at Southlands, and I would love to connect with a parent who is interested to learn about the DPAC role. Please feel free to ask questions and learn more by reaching out to Deb Broadhurst at southlands.dpac.rep@gmail.com.
Student Learning Survey
Help us plan for the future – tell us about your education experience. Students in Grades 4, 7, 10 and 12, their parents and all staff in B.C. public schools are invited to participate in an annual online satisfaction survey about their school experience. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete.
The survey is available at https://www.awinfosys.com/SurveyFull1/central/main/access.asp
Parents do not need a login code. Use the direct access section by selecting "39 Vancouver" and your preferred language.
Heart-Mind Workshops
Join the Dalai Lama Center for a virtual workshop dedicated to learning how to promote HEART-MIND WELL-BEING in the children and youth you care for.
In this world of social distancing, if you are ordering groceries online from Stong's, please pick "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu so that the PAC can earn a rebate. Thank you for your support!
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $486 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
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