Monday, June 8, 2020

June 10, 2020 AGM (2019-20 School Year)


Dear Southlands Families,

Every year we have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to recap the activities of the year, vote on the proposed budget for the next school year, vote in the Board of Executive Officers and vote on Motions that require input from all parents.  As you all know, to remain in compliance with our Provincial health orders, we cannot meet in person. 

Please join us this Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 7:15pm for our first online meeting over Zoom!

You will need to click this link to register your email in order to receive the Zoom password. We encourage all families to join us. 


A G M    A G E N D A

Wednesday June 10, 2020

7:15 - 8:15 via Zoom

  1. Call to order and welcome, attendance taken

  2. Approval of the Agenda

  3. Approval Minutes from the June 25, 2019 AGM

  4. Business arising from 2019 AGM minutes 

  5. Principal’s report, Margaret Paxton

  6. Report from Chair, Nina Monahan  

  7. Treasurer: Budget report presented by Sandy Liu.  Fiscal year end is July 31.

  8. DPAC update: Deb Broadhurst, Past President, DPAC Rep

  9. Receive nominations for our Board of Executive Officers:

    1. Chair

    2. Vice Chair             

    3. Treasurer

    4. Secretary

    5. Fundraising Chair(s)

    6. DPAC Representative

  10. Members at Large positions include Assistant Treasurer and other committee and program leads (and open positions).

  11. Announcements

    1. Hot lunch credits/refunds and likely changes for 2020-21

  12. Unfinished Business and other general orders (Motions)

    1. MOTION TO AMEND 2018 BYLAWS by Debora Broadhurst, seconded by: Renee Hui. The following bylaw items are to be amended:  Section IX g, h,  4. 5. addition of DPAC representative and role of past Chair; Section X 3c, 6, 7, 8 addition of DPAC representative and role of past Chair and transition of Executive guidelines
    2. MOTION TO PRESENT AND VOTE on 2020-21 BUDGET in September 2020 by Sandy Liu, seconded by Debora Broadhurst
    3. MOTION TO PRESENT AND FINALIZE distribution of total funds received from the Direct Donation campaign to September 2020 by Sandy Liu, seconded by Debora Broadhurst
  13.  New Business arising from the floor
    1. Discuss welcome back plans for September

    2. confirm PAC meeting dates for next year; what day of the week/month? 

  14. Adjournment 


We are still accepting nominations for the 2020-2021 Executive up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.  To nominate yourself or another member of the Southlands PAC, please contact the nominations committee via Melanie Antweiler by Tuesday June 10 at 7pm. An election for any and all contested positions will be held via anonymous Zoom vote during the June 10 AGM.

All positions on the PAC Executive have a one-year term. Volunteers for our 2019-20 PAC have been:
  • Chair: Nina Monahan
  • Vice-Chair: Farnaz Imani
  • Secretary: Cecilia Imani
  • Treasurer: Sandy Liu (position open for 2020-21)
  • Assistant Treasurer: Jennifer Paterson
  • Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
  • Past Chair & DPAC Rep: Deb Broadhurst
  • Member-at-Large: Melanie Antweiler
The current bylaws of Southlands PAC are available online.

The Role of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The purpose of the Parent Advisory Council shall be to promote and support education and to continue to contribute to a sense of school community and the well-being of the children who attend Southlands. The Council shall encourage parents to participate in meaningful educational activities and decision making.

Members of the Parent Advisory Council

All parents or legal guardians of students registered at Southlands Elementary School are voting members of the PAC.  Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) consists of every parent or guardian of a student attending Southlands.

PAC Objectives:
  • To maintain direct communication between the school and an interested parental body.
  • To inform the parental community of school organization, affairs, educational, changes, needs and concerns, via public meetings, newsletters, discussion groups etc.
  • To allow for advice and discussion between parents and school administration and staff; School Board and the Provincial Ministry, according to the B.C. Schools Act.
  • To assist each child to meet his/her physical, mental, social, and emotional needs; to foster high ideals of citizenship; and to promote goodwill and peace through co-operation within the school community.
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC" 2019-20

Chair: Nina Monahan
Vice Chair: Farnaz Imani 
Secretary: Cecilia Imani
Treasurer: Sandy Liu 
Assistant Treasurer: Jennifer Paterson
Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
Past Chair & DPAC representative: Deb Broadhurst
Member-at-large: Melanie Antweiler

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts


1 comment:

Sandra Jessy said...

I've been looking for info on this topic for a while. I'm happy this one is so great. Keep up the excellent work video conferencing platform