8 June to 12 June 2020
Monday, 8 June
- Div 1 Teams call
- Div 2 Teams call
- Div 3 Teams call
- Div 4 Teams call
- Div 6 Teams call
Tuesday, 9 June
- Div 1 Teams calls
- Div 5 (Ms Cronk) Teams call
- Div 10 Teams call
- DPAC Budget meeting, 7pm
Wednesday, 10 June
Thursday, 11 June
- Div 1 Teams call
- Div 11 Teams call
- Flute lessons (email for info)
- Summer watering orientation @ 3pm
Friday, 12 June
- Div 1 Teams call
- Div 5 (Ms Mitsiadis) Teams call
- Div 7 Teams call
Looking ahead:
Jun 15: Pro-D Day
Jun 19: National Indigenous Peoples Day
Jun 25: Flute recital, 7pm
Jun 25: Last day of school
View the school calendar online
The PAC requires there to be a Treasurer. If we do not have a Treasurer by the AGM, the Southlands PAC will have to surrender all funds to the VSB. Please consider volunteering so that the Southlands PAC can continue to run programs for Southlands families when school resumes in September. It is not essential that the Treasurer attends all PAC meetings. Please contact Nina to learn more about the role.
The PAC Executive is elected each June at an Annual General Meeting. Our AGM will be held on June 10, 2020 at 7:15pm. Please register to get the zoom login for the meeting.
All positions on the PAC Executive have a one-year term. Current nominations for 2019-2020 executive are:
- Chair: Nina Monahan
- Vice-Chair: Farnaz Imani
- Secretary: Cecilia Imani
- Treasurer: <Volunteer needed>
- Assistant Treasurer: Jennifer Paterson
- Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
- Past Chair & DPAC Rep: Deb Broadhurst
- Member-at-Large: Melanie Antweiler
To nominate yourself or another member of the Southlands PAC, please contact the nominations committee via Melanie Antweiler. An election for any and all contested positions will be held via anonymous Zoom vote during the June 10 AGM.
The agenda for this year's AGM is posted online. Please let Nina know if you have any additional items you wish to bring forth at the AGM. The bylaws of Southlands PAC and minutes from last year's AGM are available on the website. This year we will also vote on some amendments to the PAC bylaws
All parents or legal guardians of students registered at Southlands Elementary School are voting members of the PAC. Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) consists of every parent or guardian of a student attending Southlands.

Greetings Southlands Families.
Thank you to everyone for your continued attention to email, voicemail, our newsletters and social media platforms, and the teachers’ Teams Classrooms. It helps us a lot to know that families are connected to us in a variety of ways. As June progresses, we would like to return students’ personal belongings to them. Teachers have put the students’ personal items in bags. Please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a day and time to pick them up from the front steps of the school. Online learning will continue right up to the last day of school, Thursday, June 25th. We will be mailing home report cards on that day as well. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)

Every Spring, the teachers at Southlands review our school's Programme of Inquiry, to ensure our units of inquiry meet the needs of our students. As part of the review process, we encourage input from our families.
Below are two links. One link is for a parent/caregiver survey. The other link is for a student survey.
Parent survey
Student survey
Parents, please complete one Parent Survey for each child you have in the school. For example, if you have two children in the school, you will complete the survey twice.
Please have your child(ren) complete the Student Survey. You are welcome to help your child read the questions and, where appropriate, record the answers for your child, in their words.
Please complete this survey by June 10th.
Thank you for your participation! Your input is very valuable to us.

Thank you so much to the families who have signed up to help with the Southlands Summer Garden Care and Watering. We are still seeking volunteers (students included) to help fill the remaining spots listed below. Your volunteer efforts make a BIG difference to our school community.
Open Spots (1 WEEK INTERVALS):
- July 11
- July 18
- July 25
- Aug 1
- Aug 8
- Aug 15
- Sep 5
- Sep 12
How to sign up:
• Online
• Email
• Phone: 604.612.9179
Training & Orientation this Thursday! Meet at front of school by Southlands sign on Thursday, June 11 from 3 - 3:30 pm
Please maintain social distance to keep safe. Farm to School Vancouver Area Regional Hub | Public Health Association of BC shared information received from the Ministry of Health:
“ The Province has designated community gardens as essential food and agriculture service providers during the COVID-19 response. This includes shared gardens that are on public, private and school district land."
Here are some important links:
Garden Committee Coordinator Role OPEN!
As this is Jodie's last year at Southlands, please let the PAC know if you are interested in becoming the new Garden Committee Coordinator ~ it starts this summer and is a wonderful opportunity and very rewarding. In this role, you coordinate volunteers and actively participate in the Back to School, Spring and Fall Garden Clean up, manage the summer garden care and watering program, support teachers and staff on the Outdoor Classroom and Garden Program, communicate updates to the Southlands community and participate in monthly PAC meetings.

My name is Mikyla Jensen and I am the flute/recorder teacher here at Southlands Elementary School. I know that this year really didn't turn out as we expected it to, but I am so proud of all of the hard work of the students that have been attending online flute zoom lessons for the last few months. Therefore, we have decided to put on an online recital for all of our friends and family! It will be hosted by the Mozart School of Music, director Olga Lockwood. The online recital will be on June 25 at 12pm.
Please RSVP if you wish to attend.

Tuesday June 9th 7PM - VSB Budget 2020/21 townhall meeting reminder
This year’s budget process has been delayed by COVID, but the work is continuing. We will have VSB staff answering budget questions at an online townhall this Tuesday, June 9th. Trustees will also be invited to attend to hear parent concerns.
We have created a survey so you can provide your questions to be answered and we have also included some survey questions from the VSB regarding your priorities. With so many uncertainties this year, it is important to know your priorities in case costs are higher than anticipated. Please submit questions using this form by Monday morning.
You can register to attend the townhall here. This meeting is open to all VSB parents.
I’m a father of two girls in Vancouver and I’m curious to learn more about school lunch programs. With the ‘new normal’ upon us, so much of our typical school functions are being revisited. And while much focus is on restaurants and meal or grocery delivery companies, not a lot of attention is being paid to the various school lunch programs and how schools, PACs, parents and the providers themselves are being impacted.
I’m asking parents to fill in this short 5-question survey - it’s really quick but will give a ton of insight into this important service. Thank you in advance.
While our regular fundraising programs are suspended, our direct donation campaign is still open and donations can still be made online. So far we have collected $1,300 in donations.
Last year, the Direct Donation campaign helped Southlands deliver new programs and upgraded services to our entire student community that were outside of the VSB funding. These included New Laptops, Artist in Residence Music teachers, Arts performances, and Body Science Program. This year, we are seeking to raise $22,000 to fund laptops, Artist in Residence, Water bottle filling station and repainting the basketball court.
How to donate:
- Go to http://vsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/1869/196/false/true
- If you do not have a school cash online account, you need to “click here to register now”
- Choose from a list of donation amounts, or enter a specific amount
- In the Fund Destination drop down menu select option “E - Southlands PAC” (do NOT select “E - Southlands”)
- In the “Message” field please write one of the items from the Fundraising Goals list on the previous page of this notice, or write “2020 Direct Donation campaign”.
- Click “add to cart”
- Once payment is complete, you will receive a tax receipt via email.

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!

Mabel's labels has face masks for children and adults available on their site now!
Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
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