18 Nov to 22 Nov 2019
Monday, Nov 18
- Fruit & Vegetable snack
- Choir
Tuesday, Nov 19
Wednesday, Nov 20
- Boys Volleyball practice
- Drama Club
- Boys Volleyball game
Thursday, Nov 21
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Flute
- Boys volleyball practice
- Van-Chess after school
Friday, Nov 22
- Earth Kids club
- Pizza lunch
- Mad Science after school
Looking Ahead:
Nov 25: Alex Wells Hoop Dancing
Nov 25: Subway lunch
Nov 26: IB Parent meeting, 6:30pm
Nov 27: Purdys & Gift card order form due
Nov 28: Sustainability: Education and Edu-Action
Dec 1: Dufflebag Theatre
Dec 3: Fire drill, 11:45am
Dec 11: PAC meeting, 6:15pm
Dec 15: "Elf" movie @ Dunbar theatre, Gr7 fundraiser
Dec 18: Risk-taker assembly by Gr 4/5
Dec 18: Winter Social
Dec 20: Last day of school
Jan 6: School reopens
View the school calendar online
We need your commitment so that we know days are covered by volunteers. We welcome guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles to help. Please click this link to sign up.
Fruit & Vegetable snack - volunteers needed on Dec 2
Subway - volunteers needed on Nov 25
Hotdog/Pizza - volunteers needed on Dec 6, 13, 20
Winter Social - volunteers needed on the morning of the Dec 17 to wrap baked goods, and volunteers need on Dec 18 to run the bake sale
PAC meeting sign - Looking for a volunteer to hang the sign up the first Wed of every month there is a PAC meeting
Crossing guards - Are there any parents who can help organize a few parents to take turns at cross walk 8:40 am-9 am and 2:55pm - 3:15 pm

Hello Southlands Families!
It was a short but busy week at school. On Friday we had 30 student teachers in the school from the IB Cohort at UBC. They did mini-lessons in most of the classes. We are proud to be in a place where prospective teachers want to come to learn. We also hope it will encourage graduates of the program to apply to work here in the future!
Thank you to all of the parents who came to volunteer on Hot Dog Day! What a great team! They were working like a well-oiled machine to prepare food for our students. We appreciate it!
The Southlands Earth Kids Club met on Friday at lunch. They are preparing their next project: to educate the rest of the school about the “7 Rs.” We don’t just Reduce, Reuse and Recycle any more! We also Rethink, Refuse, Repair, and Repurpose. Our Dine in the Dark Campaign is going well. It is great to see classes remembering to turn off their lights at eating time on Fridays. The Earth Kids Club has also received a grant of $500 from VSB Sustainability, which we
will be using for our Earth Day Assembly on April 22 nd . Earth Kids is open to all students, usually Fridays, but sometimes on other days. Students should listen to Morning Announcements for reminders.
Have a great week everyone.
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)
PS: The November news bulletin is now posted online
IB info session
Families of current students at Southlands are invited to join staff for an information session about the IB Primary Years Programme at Southlands on Tuesday November 26th at 6:30pm.
This session is for all parents/guardians of current Southlands students. We aim to help you develop a better understanding of the PYP at Southlands and your role in your child’s IB education.
RSVP appreciated but we welcome everyone!
Please let us know if you require childminding.
Fundraise while shopping!

We have a new way for you to support all the PAC programs at Southlands, without leaving home!
The PAC is using FlipGive, a fundraising method that allows you to shop and have a commission go to the PAC. Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Amazon, Bay, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!
Download the FlipGive App or visit www.flipgive.com/join to sign up. You will be asked to enter the Southlands Elementary team code FRJ3Z5.
Please sign up today since for the month of November, your first purchase through FlipGive will also earn Southlands a $10 bonus.
How does it work? Stores on FlipGive pay a commission whenever you shop with them via their app or website, and FlipGive shares that commission with the team you are registered for. No details of your shopping are shared with the PAC.
Holiday Gift Cards
You should have got the holiday gift card order form in your child's backpack this week. This is a one-time gift card order with specialty merchants that gives a percentage to Southlands fundraising. Some vendors offer up to $10 for every $100 you spend.
Please fill out the form and return it to the office by Nov 27. Gift cards will be available for pick up in early Dec
Please make cheques payable to "Southlands PAC" and drop off in the PAC tray in office. If you have any questions, please email
Grade 7 Fundraising
The Grade 7 students have been hard at work on two FUNdraisers, to raise money towards their Grade 7 June Graduation activities:
Movie + Gift basket raffle ticket (green ticket) - $10 each
This duo ticket gives you (1) admission for one to Dunbar Theatre to see the holiday movie “ELF" and (2) Gift Basket Raffle Ticket (see below)! Great Value and Great Fun!!
We have rented out the entire Dunbar Theatre to show ELF on Sunday, December 15th at 10:00 am.
Gift basket raffle ticket (red ticket) - $5 each
This ticket gives you the chance to win 1 of 3 fabulous gift baskets (valued at ~ $250 each):
- Gourmet Food + Wine Basket
- Family Movie Night Basket
- Family + Friends Games Basket
The draw will be at the Winter Social on Wednesday, December.18th.
10% of each ticket sale will be donated to the Greater Vancouver Foodbank!
This week, students will be signing up to sell tickets before school (8:45-9:00am) and/or after school (3:00-3:30pm) in front of school (weather permitting) or inside by the office (if raining/snowing). If you are unable to buy tickets during these times, please email, and we’ll be happy to arrange another time.
Garden Committee update
Fall Garden Clean-up ~ Thank You!
Thank you to our volunteers who helped with the Fall Garden Clean-up on November 7th! We will look to schedule (and weather!) to find another day to finish up ~ stay tuned!
New Shrubs Coming
The VSB will be planting new Forsythias shrubs to replace the 6 yew shrubs that were removed at the front of the school (immediately to the right of the lower entry doors). As the VSB does not have funds to cover the replacement of these shrubs, the expenditure (~$20-$25/shrub) was approved at the PAC meeting on November 13th.
The goal of this session is to provide a lens on “What is Sustainability?” and to create an educational forum for gathering and distributing information on sustainability. From the City of Vancouver’s citywide plans to the actions of individuals, the session will highlight work being done to promote and involve communities in sustainability and responsible citizenship. This is an opening for parents to share, learn, and enhance the efforts taken by community members.
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Check out the latest issue of the Greenest City News. Read about the zero energy exhibit at Science World, World Soil Day (Dec5), and zero waste place workshops.
Throughout the year any purchases online from Stong's will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!
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