17 May to 21 May 2021
Monday, 17 May
Tuesday, 18 May
- Photo retakes
- Leadership club, 12:15pm
Wednesday, 19 May
Thursday, 20 May
Friday, 21 May
Looking ahead
24 May: Victoria Day, School closed
30 May: IB Survey ends
31 May: Bike to school week
11 Jun: Spirit Day - Friendship Day
14 Jun: Pro D-Day
21 Jun: National Indigenous Peoples Day
29 Jun: Last day of school
View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school. Click here to review.
If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child(ren) in.
If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Hello Southlands Families,
Last week we had lots going on: revitalization of the Indigenous garden bed, forest clean up, solar ovens and more! Please read our bi-weekly newsletter for more information (emailed on Friday).
There is a link to a survey regarding our IB program all families who complete it will have their students' name entered for a draw to win a pizza lunch. Thank you for your continued support and participation.
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
Margaret Paxton
Twitter | Instagram
Southlands PAC is gathering information from families who enrol at Southlands from out of catchment. We would like to learn more about what motivates families to come to Southlands, and to stay.
Please fill in this quick survey to let us know more about your family's choices, and we may use the data we collect to communicate with the VSB about why Southlands and the IB program should continue to be robustly supported by the District through funding, policy and staffing. Please be assured that there are no changes coming to Southlands or IB at this time, but the PAC wants to get ahead of any "enrolment management strategy" that VSB may apply to our school (see DPAC report later in this newsletter).
You can fill in the survey anonymously or provide your email address which will NOT be shared with the VSB and would only be used by the PAC to contact you with further questions. If you are interested in helping with our advocacy campaign please contact Nina at southlands.elementary@gmail.com
The survey can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfljVl64dOmKjrqwoyGJ7YRv6nyjwE0Xg-1jTPYFKjE7jrLkw/viewform?usp=sf_link
IB Family Survey
Every five years, IB schools are required to do a self-evaluation, followed by a verification visit from IB. This process gives us the opportunity to reflect on what we’re doing well and areas we want to continue to grow and develop. Parent participation is an important component of the self-study process, and we look forward to your feedback!
Please use the following link to complete the family survey. The names of all students whose families complete a survey will be entered in a draw. The winner will get a pizza lunch for themselves and two friends.
The survey closes May 30.
For more information about the IB Evaluation process, please read this blog post:
Grade 7 Online Auction
Our 30 Grade 7 graduates are raising funds to plant a Pacific Dogwood legacy tree (and plaque) on our front lawn. The Grad committee is also raising funds to purchase keepsake gifts for our grads, since they are not permitted to continue any of our celebratory traditions. We invite you to support us in two ways:
We are thrilled and grateful to offer two Silent Auction items designed by Musqueam artists, relatives of current and former Southlands Elementary students:
- framed print "Enduring Spirits: Pacific Salmon Forest" donated by Musqueam artist Susan Point, Thomas, Jessica, Summer and Calder Cannell
- woven Blanket Bundle "Spirit of the Sky" designed by Master Salish weaver Leila Stogan from the Musqueam Nation, donated by Native Northwest
Any funds raised in excess of our expenses, will support our outdoor classroom and garden or FuturePLAY / SMARTlab space (wherever funds are needed).
Online bids have started and will be open until June 1 at 2:30 pm. The highest bidders for each item will be announced on our FB page and at school on June 1.
Thank you for supporting our graduates and Southlands Elementary school!
DPAC report
Incoming DPAC rep: No parents have inquired about taking over the role as DPAC rep next year. This is an important role to support all aspects of the school and your children while in VSB.
Parent Advocacy: Given that VSB will not support Southlands for a second K class in September, parent advocacy is even more important. VSB choosing to limit the number of students permitted to attend our school, regardless of cross boundary applications, impacts all aspects of our school. This is called an “enrolment management strategy” and directly impacts the future scenarios in the LRFP.
Did you know that Southlands is:
- the only K-7 IB PYP in all of VSB?
- In 2008, with the support of Musqueam, UBC and VSB, IB was brought to our school to “offer a globally-minded program for Vancouver residents; to offer specialized academic and social growth support for our Indigenous students and learning opportunities that focused on Musqueam and Indigenous knowledge”
- We are the 1000th IB World school (June 2013 upon accreditation)
- In 2018 VSB removed our designation as a District Choice program
- One of 12 VSB schools with a FuturePLAY / SMARTLab space and program
- our neighbouring school at UBC Norma Rose Point will be supported by VSB for 5 K classes again in September, and the school is full?
- This year 79.89% of students residing in-catchment attend Southlands (last year it was 81.9%)
- our neighbouring school at UBC Norma Rose Point will be supported by VSB for 5 K classes again in September, and the school is full. This year their students included 88% residing in-catchment.
- Our other neighboring school Kerrisdale includes 58.48% in-catchment, and is supported with 4 K classes in September, 2 for the Annex and 2 for the main school French Immersion. This data is posted on VSB website.
- We welcome students across Vancouver (see graph of where our students come from)

Request to delay school closures until 2023: A group of PACs are forming a Motion to be brought forward to VSB on June 14: to request VSB not advance any school closure or consolidation considerations until September 2023, to allow for enrolment projections to include the Vancouver Plan, Jericho Lands Policy Statement and other factors such as housing development.
Parent feedback is welcomed and encouraged. Please email VSB lrfpfeedback@vsb.bc.ca and our Trustees https://www.vsb.bc.ca/District/Board-of-Education/Trustees/Pages/Default.aspx. DPAC recommends to address LRFP feedback letters: “Dear Trustees” and send it to this list:
cc: chair@vancouverdpac.org
VSB Budget for 2021-2022 proposal no longer projects a shortfall. This means that VSB won’t need to consider any reductions.
SLO: school liaison officer program on April 26, VSB Trustees voted to end, after public consultation. DPAC had advocated heavily in favour of discontinuing this program and is pleased with this decision.

Grade 4/5 leadership students have organized a school-wide fundraiser for the BC Children’s Hospital through Jean Up. We are accepting donations through the month of May at this link
Div 4 & 5 having a virtual tour of the Port of Vancouver. So interesting!
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $486 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
Support our fundraiser and help keep belongings out of the Lost & Found! Start shopping through our special link www.emilypress.com/southlandspac. Thank you for your support!
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