Sunday, January 24, 2021

Term 2, Week 4: 25 Jan to 29 Jan 2021

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25 Jan to 29 Jan 2021

Monday, 25 January
  • Seeds-for-the-Garden fundraiser starts

Tuesday, 26 January
  • Leadership club, 12:15pm

Wednesday, 27 January

Thursday, 28 January
Friday, 29 January
  • Report cards come home

Looking ahead
11 Feb: Spirit Day - Lunar New Year
12 Feb: Pro-D Day
16 Feb: Seeds-for-the-Garden fundraiser ends

View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school. Click here to review.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.

On Friday we emailed the biweekly school newsletter, along with an updated Family Handbook. We hope you received and enjoyed them. 

Last week, teachers were busy finishing up the mid-year report cards. They will be handed out to students on Friday, the 29th of January. If you child is in Option 4, you will receive it by mail. If your child is in Option 4 and you would like them to return to school for in-person instruction, please contact the office, not the classroom teacher.

The weather forecasters are predicting snow tonight. In the unlikely event that the district closes schools due to snow, please check the VSB district website first thing in the morning, and/or listen to local media outlets such as the CBC. Snow closure days are very rare, but we did have one last winter. If there is a snowfall, please remind students that snowball throwing is not allowed at school. There are many other ways to enjoy the snow. Thank you!

Wishing you all a safe, healthy and happy week! 

Margaret Paxton
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PYP Exhibition

Our grade six and seven students have begun working on their Exhibition projects.  They've chosen an area of interest, have written lines of inquiry (specific areas of focus), and have begun researching their lines of inquiry. The general areas of interest for the Exhibition projects this year are:
  • concentration camps
  • drug use and abuse
  • Covid-19
  • invasive species
  • authoritarian world leaders
  • racism
  • oil industry
  • LGBTQIA+ rights movement
  • women’s rights
  • impact of tourism on the environment
  • impact of climate change on animals
One component of the Exhibition is learning from experts.  If you, or anyone you know, have skills or knowledge in any of the areas being investigated by the students, please let Mr. Lee, Ms. deMontigny, or Ms. Wood know.  The students would really appreciate the opportunity to conduct an interview and collect first-hand information!
This week we are launching our environmental-friendly "Seeds-for-the-Garden" fundraiser with the West Coast Seeds - a locally owned organic handler and supplier that supports principles of organic growing and sustainable agriculture. 

Carrots, pumpkins, lavender or echinacea or … you choose. West Coast Seeds has offered a great variety of their best-selling vegetables, herbs and flowers for the fundraising catalogue, to give a little something for everyone. 

It is a great opportunity to get high-quality Canada No 1 seeds that are untreated and non-GMO - good for you, for the planet and also an excellent way to support our school: Southlands will get back 40% from each packet that you buy. The Green Fundraiser money would go to sponsoring Southlands School Garden, gardening workshops and other environmental education projects for Southlands children. 

If you do not have any gardening plans for this spring, but still are excited about supporting our Green Fundraiser – please forward the catalogue and the links to your family, colleagues, neighbours and friends. 

Southlands Seeds-for-the-Garden Fundraiser details:
  • The fundraiser campaign will run from January 25, 2021 – February 16, 2021
  • Seeds would be delivered to school at the end of the campaign. More details on the pick-up are coming
  • There is a minimum of $10.00 for each individual order.

How to order:
  1. Online - please go to and after completing your cart - choose ‘Southlands School’ from the organization dropdown menu. Add in your details so that we can contact you when the orders are ready for pick up. Please ensure that you order from this site only, otherwise Southlands will not earn the 40%. And any orders from their main website will be subject to shipping charges.
  2. Electronic order form through Southlands PAC - please fill in the order form and return along with payment (cash/cheque/e-transfer) to by February 16, 2021.  Please remember to choose your province and include all your contact information. 
We very much hope that you will find lots of inspiring ideas for your 2021 gardening projects and thankful in advance for supporting us!  

LRFP - Parent input needed

As many of you know, over the last two years I have been actively advocating at VSB for Southlands to be considered in the Seismic Mitigation Program "SMP".  Being built in 1952, our 69 year old school has poor building condition, is H1 seismic status, and is unsupported by VSB in the SMP. As I shared with you last week, the VSB has forecast a drastic declining enrolment (114 students by 2029). There are many parents who question this forecast, particularly since VSB will not consider future students in future housing developments, until built. The most concerning position of VSB in the 2020 LRFP is that Southlands has a "weak business case" to be funded for seismic upgrades.  This is simply short sighted.  

Our school Trustees and stakeholders created a Strategic Plan and Vision to help guide the LRFP. Vancouver DPAC was able to contribute to represent the voice of parents.  The document can be found at

We are very pleased that the most recent version of the LRFP now acknowledges this Vision in section 2.3 "Guiding Principles": 

As families of Southlands, it is important to be aware that the 2020 LRFP Planning Strategy and considerations fail to acknowledge the following aspects of the Vision and Strategy: 
  • We offer the only VSB International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program for K - 7 students 
    • VISION GOAL "the delivery of diverse high-quality programs";
  • We are within walking distance of Musqueam and 2/3 of our students identify as Indigeneous
    • VISION GOAL "The VSB works in partnership with Indigenous communities to improve educational experiences and outcomes for Indigenous students. The jointly developed Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement embodies the shared vision and commitment to success for all Indigenous students."; 
  • We have two on-site child care programs
    • VISION GOAL "community partnerships";
  • We are the neighbourhood school for 66% (2018) of in-catchment students  
    • VISION GOAL "Recognize the importance of continuity and stability of school catchments for families and local communities";
  • We have an Outdoor Classroom 
    • identified as a desired value and outcome in the Build2Learn consultations;
  • We have been supported to include a "Future Play" space and materials 
    • VISION GOAL "Engage our learners through innovative teaching and learning practices"
On January 21, I presented at the DPAC meeting, an overview of how parents felt about the VSB consultations that have been offered over this past year (Phase I survey and Phase II online events). In a nutshell, parents do not feel that there has been meaningful consultation and question if any of our voices or ideas have informed the 2020 draft LRFP.

If you are an Indigenous parent, I urge you to voice your thoughts, questions or opinions. In April 2019, the Ministry of Education directed Boards of Education, while they prepare their LRFP, to have "robust community consultations ... especially local Indigenous communities.... to reflect the needs and aspirations of their communities". 

SPUR (VSB hired consultants) has now published a report for Phase I and Phase II of the "Build2Learn" community consultations

I hope that this information has provided you a general overview of the future scenarios for Southlands in the LRFP and urge you to email VSB and its Trustees before Monday's VSB Board meeting, (or up until the end of June).  Parents, current and future, and Vancouver Stakeholders  are invited to share views, feedback, questions or concerns.  DPAC recommends to address LRFP feedback letters: “Dear Trustees” and send it to this list: cc:  VSB Facilities Planning website for the Ministry of Education LRFP Guidelines:

VSB draft 2020 LRFP

The January 25 7 pm Board meeting agenda is at this link.  This is the meeting where they will vote to accept the current draft LRFP.

Please feel free to reach out if I can help clarify any information.  As I have only 5 months remaining of my ten years at Southlands, I welcome any parent(s) interested in this area to connect with me, as the DPAC rep position will need to be voted on at our AGM. 

Report from Deb Broadhurst, DPAC Rep and past PAC Chair
Planet Protector Academy: Home Edition

Fully funded for kids & families thanks to the City of Vancouver, the weekly interactive live webcasts include:
  • Fun arts and game-based learning activities
  • Lessons in science, arts, language, and social studies
  • Tips and tools for handwashing and mental wellbeing
Programs on climate, waste, water, and emergency preparedness! - Full details and sign-up info!
Want to know more? Check out the one-minute video for a quick overview!
Multicultural Day

Point Grey Info session

Inspired art by Div7
In this world of social distancing, if you are ordering groceries online from Stong's, please pick "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu so that the PAC can earn a rebate. Thank you for your support!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $300 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Chair: Nina Monahan
Vice Chair: Farnaz Imani 
Secretary: Cecilia Imani
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
Past Chair & DPAC representative: Deb Broadhurst

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

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