Sunday, January 10, 2021

Term 2, Week 2: 11 Jan to 15 Jan 2021

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11 Jan to 15 Jan 2021

Monday, 11 January

Tuesday, 12 January
Wednesday, 13 January

Thursday, 14 January

Friday, 15 January
Looking ahead
22 Jan: Spirit Day - Multicultural Day
28 Jan: DPAC meeting, anti-racism

View the school calendar online
Please make sure you review the daily health assessment before sending your child(ren) to school. Click here to review.

If you are late to school, your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. Please call the office at (604) 713-5414 so they can let the child(ren) in.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.

Hello and Happy New Year, Southlands Families.

We hope you found our school newsletter in your email in-box on Friday. In it you fill find some updates, reminders and some samples of Kindergarten writing from Div. 11.  This month teachers are preparing the Mid-Year Report Cards. They are using the VSB online reporting tool for the first time, so we wish them the best as they learn to use this new tool. All teachers in Vancouver are now required to use the online tool, so the reports might look slightly different from what you have seen in the past. 

Student Leadership is organizing a Multicultural Day for Friday, January 22nd.  The idea is to celebrate all of the cultures of the families in our school.  Students can come to school dressed in traditional clothing, wear something with the flag or name of a country, bring artifacts from their culture to show classmates, or bring a traditional snack to share - which must be a peanut-free, packaged item. Thanks for helping us celebrate our diversity.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.


Margaret Paxton
PS We have 93 followers on Twitter and 114 on Instagram @SouthlandsIB.  #SockeyStrong

Grad Hoodies

Grade 7 Grad Hoodies can now be ordered through SchoolCash Online. Please order before the end of the week (Jan 15) since the bulk order will be placed.
Please refer to Mr Lee's email for sizing charts and how to sign if you have not already done so.

Co-Ed Mini Rugby

Led by UBC Women's Rugby, Mini Rugby is open to children in the K to Grade 4 range and designed to introduce them to the fun and excitement of rugby!

Cost: $70 - includes a T-shirt and end of program celebration BBQ.
Schedule:  March 7th- April 25th, Sunday from 10-11am 
Location: Gerald McGavin Rugby Centre, located at 2765 Wesbrook Mall

Click here to read more about the world of Mini Rugby presented by BC Rugby.

A digital copy of the consent form is completed during online registration.
In-person or over the phone registration requires a paper copy be submitted prior to the first day of camp.
Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $300 for Southlands programs. We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Chair: Nina Monahan
Vice Chair: Farnaz Imani 
Secretary: Cecilia Imani
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Fundraising: Renee Hui & Uliana Vankovych
Past Chair & DPAC representative: Deb Broadhurst

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

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