2 Dec to 6 Dec 2019
Monday, Dec 2
- Fruit & vegetable snack
- Assembly by Div 1/2
- Choir
- Dufflebag Theatre Assembly, 1:30pm
Tuesday, Dec 3
Wednesday, Dec 4
Thursday, Dec 5
- Art Club, Gr4/5
- Flute
- Van-Chess after school
Friday, Dec 6
- Urban safari, KG (in class)
- Earth Kids club
- Pizza lunch
- Pizza with Principal draw
Looking Ahead:
Dec 11: PAC meeting, 6:15pm
Dec 15: "Elf" movie @ Dunbar theatre, Gr7 fundraiser 10am
Dec 18: Risk-taker assembly by Gr 4/5
Dec 18: Winter Social & Bake sale (evening)
Dec 20: Last day of school
Jan 6: School reopens
View the school calendar online
We need your commitment so that we know days are covered by volunteers. We welcome guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles to help. Please click this link to sign up.
Hotdog/Pizza - volunteers needed on Dec 6, 13
Winter Social - volunteers needed on the morning of the Tuesday Dec 17 to wrap baked goods, and volunteers need on Dec 18 to run the bake sale
PAC meeting sign - Looking for a volunteer to hang the sign up the first Wed of every month there is a PAC meeting (an ideal job for a JKC family who arrives by 8:15 am)
Crossing guards - Intermediate Students are eager to be cross walk volunteers, but we need an adult to manage the organization. Can we have one or two parents to please take this over? You can ask Mr Lee what is involved as he was the organizer last year. VPD will come and speak with volunteers about traffic safety before starting. Students or parents would be volunteering at the cross walk 8:40 am-9 am and 2:55pm - 3:15 pm every day.

Hello Southlands Families!
Thanks to everyone who came to our Parent IB Evening. Joanna and I were really pleased with the turn-out and engagement. Be sure to follow the school’s IB Blog
A newsletter will be sent home on Monday both by email and hard copy. You will read news about changes in staff, our IB Parent Evening, and of course, there will be a Pizza with the Principal draw on Friday, Dec. 6th. Students should bring their signed slips to the office for a chance to win a Pizza Lunch with me and two friends.
Our Play First, Eat After routine is going well. Some students are finding the change in routine a little difficult, but that is to be expected. We have noticed a more calm atmosphere in the lunchroom and classrooms during eating time. Please let us know if you have any observations or feedback.
In September, every class created an Essential Agreement Charter, which is a guide to how they want to feel and behave in their classrooms. This week, I asked each teacher to review that Charter with students and ask, “How is it going? Are we achieving our goals?” On Monday, we will be having an assembly with the intermediate students. Ten students from Division 1 and 2 are going to lead the assembly and remind their peers that at Southlands, we care about each other, care about ourselves and care about this place.
On Monday, we will also have an assembly in the afternoon, to enjoy Dufflebag Theatre’s production of A Christmas Carol. It is at 1:30 pm. Parents are welcome.
Lastly, a reminder: We have morning and afternoon supervision by our staff. Afternoon supervision ends at 3:20 pm. There are a number of students who stay much later than 3:20 pm to play. If you have given your child permission to stay, please be advised that they will not be supervised by Southlands Staff after 3:20 pm. Thanks for understanding.
As always, please get in touch with any questions or concerns.
Margaret Paxton ( @SouthlandsIB)
Minutes from the latest PAC meeting are now posted online. Thank you to all parents who attended, and we hope to see more at the PAC meeting next week. We welcome any feedback from parents on topics they would like the PAC to consider
Music is in the air again at Southlands!
Choir and flute programs are now underway, with all programs running at lunch time this year, making them accessible to all interested students. We are delighted to have Colleen Cotton back at Southlands running Junior and Senior choirs, and the wonderful teachers from the Mozart School of Music facilitating flute club. Our younger grades are enjoying in-class Musical Yogis sessions with Miss Jennifer, a Southlands parent and Vancouver Academy of Music Faculty member. Be sure to join us on December 18th for the Winter Social, when both choirs and the flute club will perform some seasonal favourites!
Ms Beck's class is collecting socks for the homeless.Please support them by sending socks for donation with your child!

The Grade 7 students have been hard at work on two FUNdraisers, to raise money towards their Grade 7 June Graduation activities:
Movie + Gift basket raffle ticket (green ticket) - $10 each
This duo ticket gives you:
- Admission for one to Dunbar Theatre to see the holiday movie “ELF" and
- Gift Basket Raffle Ticket (see below)!
Great Value and Great Fun!!
We have rented out the entire Dunbar Theatre to show ELF on Sunday, December 15th at 10:00 am.
Gift basket raffle ticket (red ticket) - $5 each
This ticket gives you the chance to win 1 of 3 fabulous gift baskets (valued at ~ $250 each):
- Gourmet Food + Wine Basket
- Family Movie Night Basket
- Family + Friends Games Basket
The draw will be at the Winter Social on Wednesday, December.18th.
10% of each ticket sale will be donated to the Greater Vancouver Foodbank!
Tickets are available before school (8:45-9:00am) and after school (3:00-3:30pm) in front of school (weather permitting) or inside by the office (if raining/snowing). If you are unable to buy tickets during these times, please email, and we’ll be happy to arrange another time.
Fundraise while shopping!

Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We have already earned $144! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.
Shopping online through the FlipGive Southlands team is a fundraising method that allows you to shop and have a commission go to the PAC. There are no extra costs to you.
Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs. There is even a way to shop in-store and get the same benefit!
Download the FlipGive App or visit www.flipgive.com/join to sign up. You will be asked to enter the Southlands Elementary team code FRJ3Z5.
How does it work? Stores on FlipGive pay a commission whenever you shop with them via their app or website, and FlipGive shares that commission with the team you are registered for. You can choose to make your shopping purchase private and no details of your shopping are shared with the PAC.
Happy Shopping!
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school, please phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. Our school code is 79.
Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!
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