Sunday, March 31, 2024

Term 3, Week 1: 2 Apr to 5 Apr 2024

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PAC Newsletter


1 Apr to 5 Apr 2024

Sunday, 31 Mar
Monday, 1 Apr
  • Easter Monday, school closed

Tuesday, 2 Apr
  • School reopens
  • Pizza lunch
  • Recorder, 3:10pm

Wednesday, 3 Apr
Thursday, 4 Apr
  • Flute, 3:10pm

Friday, 5 Apr
  • Blackball hot lunch (send utensils)

Looking ahead

View the school calendar online
Please continue to make sure your child(ren) are healthy and feeling well before sending them to school.

If you are late to school (after 9:00 am), your child(ren) must enter through the upper front door by the salmon mural and check-in at the office. The upper front door is now unlocked during the day so no need to call or ring the doorbell. All parents entering the school must enter through the upper front door and check-in at the office.

If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email or phone 604-713-5159 as soon as possible and leave your child's name, division number, the date and whether they will be absent or late. If you phone, you will be required to use a school code. The Southlands school code is 79#.

Southlands Elementary PAC is excited to launch the Direct Donation campaign, raising funds for the 2023/20234 school year.

Southlands Elementary School takes pride in having built a strong spirit of Giving that is powered by the generous contributions of your time and financial support to help enrich our children’s learning. Over the years, the Direct Donation campaign has helped Southlands deliver new programs and upgraded services to our entire student community that were outside of the VSB funding. 

We are seeking to raise $10,000 to fund our basic budgetary demands and enrichment programs that help our children learn and develop the IB Primary Years Program Essential elements: Learner Profile; Transdisciplinary Themes; Concepts, Attitudes; Approaches to Learning and Action. The money raised in this campaign will be used to fund the following items in the 2024-25 school year:

Fundraising Goals                
Outdoor Classroom                $5,000
Classroom Funds                   $5,000


Every month, FamilySmart hosts online events for parents & caregivers who are parenting a child or youth with a mental health and/or substance use challenge called “in the know.”  They watch a video and share experiences and strategies that help in the hard moments and focus on strengthening your understanding and connection with our kids.

In April the theme is: Supporting, Understanding and Connecting With a Youth with Depression. 
Registration is available at
The events are free, virtual and held at multiple times throughout the month.

In addition they offer free 1:1 parent peer support to any parent or caregiver who has a child or youth who is struggling with their mental health or substance use. No cost. No diagnosis necessary. No waitlists. Families can reach out directly to
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Chair: Nina Monahan
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carol Chan

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Term 2, Week 10: Spring Break Notice

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PAC Newsletter

Friday, 15 Mar
  • Blackball hot lunch (send utensils)
  • Last day before Spring Break

Looking ahead
18 Mar: Spring Break starts
27 Mar: Pizza ordering for final term closes
1 Apr: Easter Monday, school closed
2 Apr: School reopens

Southlands, Sockeyes!

We need 7 more Team members: students and/or parents! If you are thinking about joining the Southlands Sun Run Team, NOW is the time to register! The deadline is Friday at 3 pm.

If we do not have a team of 14, we will not be able to participate as a team. (Registered runners will still keep their spots as individuals).
Register at
The Team Code is CGYRRF.

Ordering is now open for Pizza lunch for the final term. You are able to order for the entire term from April-June. 

Please place your orders before end of day Mar 27 at Munchalunch

Blackball lunch ordering will be enabled on Easter weekend.

There were $650 donated as of February 29, reaching 6.5% of our goal of $10,000 for 2024/2025 direction campaign.

We would like to thank all generous donors and continue to encourage the community to raise funds for our children for the 2024/2025 school year. $5000 of the funds will be distributed to the classrooms and $5000 will be used for the outdoor gardening program. 

You can make your donation at

We thank you again for your generosity and If you would like to be recognized in the newsletter, please indicate on your donation slips.
Thank you to the families who have joined our FlipGive team! We encourage others to join the team using code FRJ3Z5.

Use the FlipGive app or browser plugin before shopping online at stores like Starbucks, Amazon, Sportchek, Nike, Bay, The Gap, Indigo, etc. and you will be ensuring a percentage of your purchase gets credited to Southlands programs.

Throughout the year any purchases online from Mabel's Labels will earn our school a rebate when you select "Southlands Elementary School" from the menu. Thank you for your support!
Visit our website at
Join Southlands PAC on Facebook at
Southlands Parents Advisory Council "PAC"

Chair: Nina Monahan
Treasurer: Priya Gupta
Secretary: Alejandra Diaz
Fundraising: Carol Chan

Our mailing address is:
5351 Camosun Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2C4

Please send any feedback on the newsletter to

VSB Office of the Superintendent contacts